Wednesday 31 March 2010

SRS Beginners 2010: Speaker Schedule

Each week's activity will follow the same basic programme:

* Arrival, Welcome, and check on progress

* Briefing for the day's activities

* Warm up

* Running Session

* Cool Down

* Guest Speaker

* Reminders for next week

Speaker Schedule:

Week 1: Running Sisters:

Course Overview - plus Q&A session

Week 2: 26 April Therapeutics :

Exercise Preparation and Closure - an introduction to stretching

Week 3: 10th May Alexander Sports:

Running Styles, and shoes to match. Plus and overview of running clothing

Week 4: 17th May speaker tbc

Sport and Diet

Week 5: 24th May Emma Trickett, The Moving Body Clinic :

The role of sports massage

Week 6: 7th June presenter tbc:

Speed and Agility - mixed talk and practical session

Week 7: 14th June - Local WPC:

Running safely - a police perspective

Week 8: 21st June no speaker

Fun Run and Social Celebration

At the end of the course we welcome you to join us on our regular club runs.

Normally runs are scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Check out the Southampton Running Sisters training blog for details.

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